Table of contributors
Nuremberg Forum 2024:
“Education for Sustainable Development – Spiritual Dimensions”
Table of contributors
Please find here the keynote speakers and further below all paper and workshop presenters of the Nuremberg Forum 2024.
Prof. Dr. h.c. Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh, Chairman of Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha, promotes peace, compassion, and interfaith dialogue, focusing on sustainability by integrating spiritual and ethical dimensions into development, and will discuss these themes in his keynote at the 13th Nuremberg Forum.
Dr. Mary Evelyn Tucker is a Senior Lecturer and Research Scholar at Yale University, co-founder of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, who, along with her husband John Allen Grim, has significantly contributed to the interdisciplinary field of religion and ecology through organizing conferences, publishing volumes, creating a comprehensive website, and producing the Emmy award-winning multimedia project „Journey of the Universe.“
Since 2023, Prof. Dr. Pascal Frank has been an assistant professor at Wageningen University & Research, focusing on Inner Development Goals (IDGs) that complement the Sustainable Development Goals. He researches intrapersonal challenges and competencies in sustainability, designs learning activities to develop these skills, and assesses their effectiveness. Pascal is also a certified transformation consultant, Iyengar Yoga Teacher, and Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher.
Prof. Dr. Alexander (Blair) Stonechild, an influential Indigenous scholar and advocate, has dedicated his career to advancing Indigenous education and promoting cross cultural understanding. He is a Professor of Indigenous studies at First Nations University of Canada, where his work has profoundly impacted the academic community and beyond. With a focus on Indigenous spirituality, history, and education, Professor Stonechild has made significant contributions to the preservation and revitalization of Indigenous knowledge systems.
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Naurath (Professor of Religious Education at the University of Augsburg, Germany)
Please note that you can find further informations about the paper presenters, their presenting date and time by clicking on the name. This will bring you to the date where the paper session at which the selected person is contributing takes place.
Name | Institution | Function | Country | Content of paper/workshop |
Dr. Affolderbach, Martin | ‘Religions for Peace’ Germany, Europe and International | Consultancy activities | Germany | Inspirational Talk 1 |
Alföldi, Zoltan Peter | Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE), Georgikon Campus, Keszthely, Hungary | Associate Professor | Hungary | The Schoenstatt Pedagogy for Saving Creation. A Christian-Catholic Approach from Hungary |
Alt, Jörg | Social scientist, priest, socio-political activist | Germany | Panel Discussion | |
Angelina, Phillip | Chair of Religionspädagogik and Didaktik des ev. Religionsunterrichts (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) | Scientific assistant for the FOERBICO-project of the BMBF | Germany | What is taught about climate change? |
Anwar, Mohammed | Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development | Director of Rural Development Center and Researcher in Education for Sustainable Development and Sustainability Leadership | Egypt | Education for Sustainable Development and Community Based Learning in Higher Education, Case study from Heliopolis University |
Prof. Dr. Birkel, Simone | Katholic University of Ingolstadt
Ludwigsburg University of Education |
Professor for Religionspädagogik
Educational scientist, formerly (a.o.) Professor |
Germany | Spiritual Dimensions of Leadership for Education for Sustainable Development |
Dobravec, Jurij | Jarina Bohinj Association, Slovenia | Independent researcher at the NGO Jarina Association | Slovenia | Wonder Tales as Spiritual Resources for Education Towards Sustainability |
Dr. Domsel, Maike & Steffens, Maurice | Seminar for Religionspädagogik at the university of Bonn | Private lecturer | Germany | Compassion as a Key to Education for Sustainable Development in the Future?! – Mission and Advancement of a Theological Concept |
Prof. Mag. Holzwieser, Michael | University college of agrarian and educational pedadogy, Vienna | Teacher | Austria | How to deal with a ‘pressure to act’facing ecological issues when teaching? (Workshop) |
Hosszu, Zoltan & Dr. Tasi, Istvan | Krishna Valley | Chairman | Hungary | Education for Sustainable Development: The Krishna Valley Model |
Jacob, Jerin | KU Leuven | PhD student | Belgium | Lack of Sustainability Leadership Education in the Catholic Clerical and Religious Formation Systems: A Missed Opportunity for “the Care for Our Common Home” |
Dr. Jakob, Jennifer | University College of christian Churches of Teacher education Wien/Krems | Vice-Rector for Research and Internationalization | Austria | Protestant RE teachers‘ attitudes towards sustainability |
Prof. Dr. Hernandez-Serret, Joan | (a.o.) Religions for Peace (RfP) | Secretary General of Religions for Peace Europe;
Professor of Sociology, Culture and Religious Diversity with teaching commitments at several universities in Spain |
Spain | Response 3 to the Keynote of Prof. Dr. Frank |
Prof. Kamaara, Eunice | Moi University, Eldoret | Professor | Kenya | Higher Education for Sustainable Development: A love centred approach to integrated teaching and learning, research, and careResponse 4 to the Keynote of Prof. Dr. A. Stonechild |
Kappelhoff, Bianca & Dr. Palkowitsch-Kühl, Jens | Comenius-Institute | Educational Researcher | Germany | Fostering Global Learning in Religious Education – the reliGlobal approach (Workshop) |
Dr. Krahn, Annika & Siegemund, Axel | University of Bamberg | Academic councilor | Germany | A critique of the competence model and of the morality laid out in religious education, and how we can get over it. |
Prof. Dr. Lähnemann, Johannes | Religions for Peace (RfP), formerly Holder of the Chair of Religious Education at Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | Chairman of the Peace Education Standing Commission of RfP International | Germany | Inspirational Talk 1
Response 1 to the Keynote of Prof. Dr. Bhai Singh |
Mendoza-Drosik, Aleksander | Socio-political activist | Germany | Panel Discussion | |
Moselewski, Anna-Lena | YMCA University of Applied Sciences | Academic assistant | Germany | On the connection between spirituality and sustainability of highly religious Christians using the example of the study „Glaube.Klima.Hoffnung.“ |
Prof. Dr. Pirner, Manfred L. | Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | Professor or Protestant Religious Education | Germany | Education for Sustainable Development and Human Rights Education. Spiritual Dimensions |
Dr. Poulter, Saila | University of Helsinki | University researcher | Finland | Religious and worldview education as an existential resource in grieving more-than-human |
Sporre, Karin | Umeå University, Sweden | Professor | Sweden | South African and Swedish children on the human being, sustainability and the future |
Dr. Sung, Kim &
Mission EineWelt | Director of Studies for Intercultural Theology at Mission EineWelt, Neuendettelsau;
E-Learning Development |
Germany | ESD in the context of global church partnerships: the Summer School 2024 at Mission EineWelt |
Prof. Dr. Valentin, Katrin & Baumgartner-Vogel, Sandra | Lutheran University of Applied Sciences | Professor of education with focus on transformationprocesses | Germany | In spiritual connection with the land – learning from indigenous people (Workshop) |
Vladimirov, Igor & Prof. Dr. Mazurov, Yuri | Lomonosov Moscow State University | PhD Student
Professor of the Faculty of Geography |
Russia | Spirituality vs/with rationality when strategizing ESD |
Prof. Dr. Vogt, Michael | University of Munich | Professor of Christian Social Ethics | Germany | Response 2 to the Keynote 2 of Dr. Mary Evelyn Tucker |
Dr. Wiesgickl, Simon | Chair for Religious Studies and Intercultural Theology, FAU | Assistant Professor | Germany | Care Less Pedagogy instead of Conservation of Creation. Spiritual and intellectual challenges of contemporary Ecocriticism and how this might revive religious education |
PhD Zilliacus, Harriet | University of Helsinki | University lecturer, Docent | Finland | Rethinking human-nature relationships in educational sciences: Finnish university students’ worldviews and perspectives on teaching about the interconnectedness of all life |